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Public Health Epidemiology Conversations

Dec 28, 2021

This week’s guest is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation and a Board-Certified Family Medicine physician with more than 20 years’ experience in direct primary care, with the majority of her time focused on underserved populations and Native American healthcare. Her name is Dr. Julianna Reece and she first fell in love with public health when she completed an MPH before even going to medical school!
Dr. Reece is the Director of the Healthy Tribes Program with the CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the Division of Population Health. Her recent roles include serving as the Chief Medical Officer for the Albuquerque Area Indian Health Service (IHS), as well as the Vice Chair of the Heroin, Opioids, and Pain Efforts (HOPE) Committee, a national initiative through the IHS.
In this episode of the Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast, Dr. Reece shares some insight into Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TECs) and Tribal Epidemiology Centers Public Health Infrastructure (TECPHI), the importance of tribal sovereignty, and the key role that infrastructure plays in implementing effective solutions, as well as how culture equates with wellness, plus so much more!

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