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Public Health Epidemiology Conversations

Oct 2, 2018

I am happy to introduce you to Angela Arder, who was one of the early members of the Developing Your Public Health Career Strategy Program.  She has a background in healthcare, hospital administration, and government customer service.  She is educated, caring, and passionate about public health.  However, life has often interrupted her career goals and plans….but has not stopped her.

She said she didn’t realize that she needed a strategy, but just assumed things would fall into place and automatically happen for her once she completed her degree. She talks about the heart-breaking realization that it takes even more effort. Focused effort. 

We will be discussing her reasons for enrolling, how she has benefited, some of the challenges she’s faced and how she’s been able to overcome those challenges.  She also shares some advice to anyone listening who may be in a similar situation as she was in before developing her public health career strategy.