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Public Health Epidemiology Conversations

May 18, 2021

Consultant, advocate, professional, entrepreneur; our guest today holds all of these titles, and works across numerous public health silos with a passion that is inspiring.

Tamara Mason’s lifelong dream was to become a doctor but realizations that she had while studying and working led to her interest in public health, and she has never looked back.

In this episode, we discuss the work being done by Tamara’s company, Mason Consulting Incorporated LLC, to provide public health services and solutions to underserved communities. Tamara’s philosophy is based on the fact that communities know what is best for them, which is why her goal is to empower people within those communities.

Tamara also explains why she thinks the silos that exist within the realm of public health are problematic, and how she works across these silos.

We end the episode with some valuable advice from Tamara, for any aspiring public health professionals, no matter what stage of your public health journey you are in!