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Public Health Epidemiology Conversations

May 31, 2020

My nephew, Jadon Williams explains injustice. Listen to this message, explained through a story written by this 15 year old young man.  

Warning: It is a very emotional bonus episode.

May 26, 2020

On this episode, you’ll meet Antoinette Medina and hear about her journey into public health. You’ll also learn about the California Tribal Epidemiology Center, which is just one of 12 partner Tribal Epidemiology Centers funded by the Indian Health Service’s Division of Epidemiology and Disease Prevention to...

May 19, 2020

In this podcast episode, you will learn about our newest program, Get Experience in Public Health Using Online Tools and Technology.

Most importantly, you’ll hear about this program from those who enrolled early and worked through the program with me while it was in the final stages of development.

My guests on...

May 14, 2020

This message is for current students, and graduates who need experience in public health. 

I am well aware that one of the biggest challenges many students and recent graduates face is lack of experience in public health, and I've created a great solution that addresses this old challenge in a new creative way.

In this...

May 12, 2020

In a world of pandemics, epidemics and the unknown where communities experience trauma or severe life stressors, it is not uncommon for their health to unravel. Quinyatta Mumford, MPH, CHES, founder of Mumford and Associates, LLC and the heart behind the Curvy Consciousness movement; accepts the call to be the...