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Public Health Epidemiology Conversations

Nov 28, 2017

This podcast episode is an interview with Steve Vick, founder of Nonprofit Ally.  Nonprofit Ally is a community website loaded with resources to help those who are interested in starting a nonprofit organization.  Steve is the executive director of Noble Paws in Alaska, where the mission is to help people...

Nov 21, 2017

In this episode, I discuss some of the common myths and misconceptions regarding nonprofit organizations compared to for-profit businesses.  I encourage you to investigate truths instead of accepting some of the common myths that surround the topic of nonprofit organizations to gain a deeper understanding for your own...

Nov 14, 2017

In this episode, I discuss some of the highlights of my experience sharing my research at two different national conferences.  There are so many things I’d love to go into, but instead I focus on some action points that will hopefully motivate you to plan to attend your first meeting, or take your meetings to the next...

Nov 7, 2017

In this episode I discuss some of the benefits of membership in public health associations.  Although there are many important reasons for you to become involved in public health associations, I focus on seven benefits in this episode.  It is important that you not only become a member, but that you also become...