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Public Health Epidemiology Conversations

Jul 26, 2022

As part of Dr. Huntley’s efforts to bring the public healthcare community onto the same page, she brings you the third and final episode in her mini-series explaining the purpose behind the Public Health Epidemiology Conversations podcast. After establishing why she started this podcast, how it has grown, and why she...

Jul 19, 2022

We are underway with our mini-series of episodes that are dedicated to you, our PHEC community, for you to better understand the why and purpose of this podcast.

In an effort to get us all onto the same page, Dr. Huntley tells us the reasons why she has persisted with this podcast. She opens up about the...

Jul 12, 2022

It’s been five incredible years of the Public Health Epidemiology Conversations podcast and today we take a look back at how it all began. Our host, Dr. Huntley, walks us through the main reason she started this podcast, what she hoped to achieve by using the podcasting platform, and some of the difficulties she...

Jul 5, 2022

As the first half and second quarter of the year come to an end, it is important to look back and acknowledge our triumphs and downfalls. In this new episode of the PHEC podcast, we will chat about how to reflect on your personal and business goals. We learn how to separate these goals and acknowledge that they need to...